Friday 1 March 2019

Joshua gets Beauchamps High School

Today was a very special day for Joshua as it was the day he found out what secondary school he had been allocated. The e-mail confirmation was due to be sent out anytime after midnight and he kept on and on nagging me to check my phone as he was eager to find out. At 5.30am in the morning there was still no confirmation e-mail and so I went to Crossfit as normal. By the time I had finished training the e-mail had arrived and I was relieved to read that Joshua had been given his first choice of Beauchamps High School. I called him immediately from the car and teased him for a while telling him he had been giving James Hornsby or Bromfords before finally putting him out of his misery. He was a very happy little boy and immediately jumped on his pone to tell his mates.

So come Sept 2019 this will be Joshua's secondary school for the next few years.

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