Saturday 20 July 2019

Rory-Pauls First Birthday at Langdon Hills

Last weekend we celebrated Rory-Paul's first birthday with a nice family picnic over at Langdon Hills Country Park. Seems unreal to think that the youngest addition to the family is 1 year old already. Over the park we played loads of frisbee, some rounders, throwing a rugby ball around and so on. The boys also had a go in some Zorb type balls which was loads of fun until they got knocked over (or drop kicked by me) and then had to try and stand up again. The Zorb balls are surprisingly heavy and being made of thick plastic you soon get very hot and sweaty running around in them. A few minutes in these is enough for anyone.

Brandon in a Zorb ball.

Joshua having a go and ready to battle his brother.

Let war commence, I think Joshua has a slight weight advantage.

Getting hot and sweaty after a few minutes.

The difficulties of getting up once you are knocked down.

And lets not forget the reason we were there, Rory-Paul's 1st birthday and a lovely chocolate cake to celebrate being 1.

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