Keeping Holly entertained this week has been lots of fun. Firstly we had a bit of a clear out in the boys bedrooms and sorted out old school uniforms that were no longer required. Whilst doing this we stumbled across Brandon's RC Lamborghini which Holly wanted to play with. So I set up a skills driving track using football cones out on the driveway and me and H had loads of fun. Even the little boy from over the road was interested and came over to see what we were doing.
Holly has also been helping me water all our plants and her fairy gardens daily and it looks like we have won the sun flower competition with a tallest one coming in at 8'5"!!!! We have lost on quantity of flowers but are clear winners on the tallest sun flower plant for this year.
Next up was one of Holly's ideas she saw on YouTube - making rainbow coloured cheese toastie using food colourings. We only had blue, red and green so Holly had to settle for a rainbow with blue, green, red and yellow. Basically you add the food colouring to the cheese, layer it in between two slices of toast and then cook it in a pan with melted butter. I have to say it seemed to work ok and didn't taste too bad either.
Then lastly today was another scorching hot day with temperatures over 30 degrees. We did plan on going to the AquaPark at Festival Leisure Centre but it was fully booked. So instead me and Holly got the water slide out to help keep cool and then even added her holiday unicorn inflatable. The front garden was starting to look and feel like a Mediterranean holiday resort!!!
RC fun with Holly and Brandon's old Lamborghini.
Our award winning 8'5" sun flower plant. |
First attempt at Rainbow toastie's - not bad if you ask me.
And then to cool down out comes the water slide and the unicorn floatie.
I know I will get the blame for this stunt, but it was actually Holly's idea to ride down the water slide on the unicorn.
If we can't go on holiday due to lockdown, then bring holiday to you instead!
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