Thursday 1 October 2020

Brandon is an F1 Addict

Brandon has recently become a complete F1 addict and really enjoys watching the Saturday qualifying and the Sunday races. He downloaded a demo version of the 2019 F1 game and was absolutely hooked on the game even though he was limited to one track. So this month I let him use his pocket money to buy the 2020 F1 game and he absolutely loves it. Prior to even having the game he had planned out his team name, colours, power unit, first upgrades and so on...

As much as I enjoy the F1, if I am completely honest I am just another Hamilton fan boy and quickly lose interest when he is out of a race. Brandon however is fascinated with different power levels in power units, different tyre strategies and so on. I hate to admit it but he knows far more than me about the F1 cars and Teams and often asks questions during a race that I cannot answer!!!

Now he wants to upgrade his gaming chair to a steering wheel and pedal chair set-up!

Fingers crossed now that B is hooked on F1 he will stop wasting his pocket money on V-Bucks every month.

Brandon has a long road ahead and many seasons of racing to build up his team profile and performance.
Octobers pocket money blown on the 2020 F1 game. Lets see how long this game keeps his interest.

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