Trying to keep the kids entertained during half term when we are on a tier 2 lockdown is certainly challenging. Although we have managed to get the 3 kids to Wipe Out trampoline park on Monday and today the 2 boys managed to go go-karting. We have now just found out that one of Brandon's teachers has been diagnosed Covid-19 positive and as such the school have called us advising that Brandon now has to self isolate until November 6th!!!
Anyway we managed to get some pumpkins and yesterday all 3 kids got carving. Despite Joshua being a teenager and generally not interested in family activities - he jumped at the chance to do his own design. Holly was also very keen to get carving and made a witch design with heart eyes and a carrot nose. Brandon didn't want to do his at the same time as he was watching his new Fantastic Beasts DVD, but he did come down later and carved some kind of Harry Potter symbol in to his pumpkin (which I am reliably informed is the "Deathly Hallows". As for me, well I kept mine quite simple this year and just done a very straight forward Unicorn for Holly.
Holly getting to work scooping out the seeds, the messy part.
Really pleased Joshua got stuck in as I thought he had outgrown pumpkin carving.
I drew Holly's design on the pumpkin so that she could start carving it out.
Not sure what Joshua's design is, I think he said it is a gamers or YouTubers logo.
Trusting Holly with sharp tools!!!!
Have you ever seen a carrot nose pumpkin before????
Later on Brandon joined the fun but again got me to draw his design on the pumpkin first.
A rare occasion with all 3 kids doing an activity and no arguing or fighting.
Brandon's design looks pretty cool lit up at night.
And here are the four entries for the pumpkin carving competition from Wick Palace in 2020.
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