There is light at the end of the tunnel and the government have announced that it is planned for children to finally start going back to school from 8th March. Beauchamps are planning a staggered return which means Joshua and Brandon will not actually go back until March 11th and when they do start going back we have all got to have 2 Covid tests per week!
The home schooling has certainly been an experience and has made us really appreciate what teachers have to do day in and day out. We have done our best and that is all anyone can ask. I am sure there are kids out there that have done tonnes more, and kids that have done tonnes less. As a little memento of the unprecedented time of home schooling we bought each of the three kids a "Home Schooling - Class of 2021" sweat shirt.
The two boys really weren't impressed, but Holly loves her one and it is Abacus yellow as well. Once they have finished / outgrown these sweat shirts I will make sure these are stored away in their keep sake boxes and who knows, 20, 30, 40 years time the kids might be digging through the box and stumble across these and remember the time when the world went mad and they were home schooling for what seemed like an eternity.
Well done kids - you have graduated from "Home School Class of 2021" - now bugger off back to proper school. |
At least Holly likes her Abacus yellow coloured one. |
I think these will be a great memento for the kids of these crazy times we live in. |
Just wondering whether we should all sign them at the end of the school year as well??? |
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