Tuesday 11 May 2021

Nicky's 50th Birthday

Hard to believe it but on Sunday Nicky turned 50 (half a century) which makes me feel really old indeed - how the hell did we all get so old????. Fortunately with lockdown restrictions easing we at least managed to spend some time with Nicky in her garden to help celebrate this very special day. Her garden party was Hawaiian / flamingo themed and Shay had finished Nicky's garden Tikki bar off just in time, and I have t say it looks amazing.

The weather held off and the kids had a good 4 or 5 hours away from their PC's and PlayStations. Whilst we had to stagger our visits due to the Covid restrictions of 2 families and 6 people from 2 households, it was lovely to see everyone and at times almost felt like a family gathering of old. Really pleased that Nicky seemed to enjoy her special day as much as possible under the current restrictions.

Getting old and needing a zimmer frame!

Holly trying out a pineapple glass with a bamboo straw.

Holly and Auntie Nicky.

Me and the birthday girl.

We are "out, out"!

Auntie Nicky with Amy in her newly finished Tikki bar.

Brandon trying to hoop the flamingo on Holly's head.

Holly thoroughly enjoyed the day with some of the family.

Trust Holly to be playing with the balloons.

Opening those all important 50th birthday presents.

Doesn't Brandon look cute?

Holly enjoying some garden games.

Happy birthday big Sis. May you have many more to come.

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