After a recent trip to the opticians we were quite shocked to find out Holly's eyesight is pretty poor and they advised that she needed to wear glasses all of the time. Holly has been really nervous about wearing glasses and was worried no one would recognise her, so to help her out have started wearing my glasses a lot more to show her there is nothing wrong with it.
She picked the glasses herself and chose some really nice pink Disney Frozen ones which really suit her. She has taken to them really well and hasn't removed them from her face all night. Her reading tonight seemed a lot better than most nights, so maybe the vision issue is part of the reason why she has fallen behind a bit with her reading skills.
Auntie Lisa recently brought Holly this train plant pot to paint and fill. |
Holly mixed lots of colours and painted it as the Colchester Zoo bird train. |
Holly with her finished masterpiece complete with flowers and bird statues. |
I think Holly has done a great job (just need to clean some of the paint off the wheels!). |
Holly looking very grown up and beautiful in her new Disney Frozen glasses. |
So please Holly has taken to her glasses so quickly. I just hope no one at school is nasty towards her and knocks her confidence with them! |
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