Sunday 13 February 2022

Brentwood Tubing Birthday Party

It is not often these days that Joshua and Brandon get invited to birthday party's purely because of the age they are at. However this weekend Brandon was invited to a tubing party over Brentwood ski slopes by Joshua who is the skipper of his Hashtag football team. As Tina was sleeping from working nights I had to take Holly with me and fortunately managed to sneak her in. She really enjoyed the tubing and spent most of her time with Joshua's little sister Isabelle.

Hashtag under 13's at Joshua's tubing party.

Action shot of Brandon.

Going down backwards.

Holly and Isabelle linking up to go down joined.

Brandon sending it down backwards again.

The hill doesn't look that big but the tubes certainly get some speed up.

Holly and Isabelle again.

These two barely left each others side and left the footballers to get on with it.

Holly getting tired out coming back up the hill.

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