Saturday 28 September 2024

Joshua's College Update

I am pleased to say that Joshua has settled in to Chelmsford College for Year 1 of his Electrical Installation Diploma really well. Considering the problems we had getting him to do school work, it is a very refreshing to see him self motivated and working hard.  I do not know whether it is because he has a general interest in the subject which helps with motivation or just because he realises this is now important as it is what he has chosen for a career. He often sends me pictures of his workshop exercises whilst at college and considering he is only 3 weeks in, they look good.

Joshua has adapted to being completely independent and using public transport to get the Chelmsford each week. On days when he is at college he is up at about 6:30am to get to the bus and on his longest day, Tuesday, he doesn't get home until gone 7. So very long days which are good because they are preparing him for working life, but bad in that they leave him exhausted and very tired. The cost for the bus doesn't seem too bad either and we are having to pay around £18 a week to cover the 3 days he is at college (Tues, Thur and Fri).

Overall I have to say I am very proud of how his college life has started and how much he seems to be enjoying it.

Some of Joshua's work from the workshop classes he has at college.

As he knows I am pretty good with electrical stuff he often sends me pictures to see what I think and if he has done it right.

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