Sunday, 24 November 2024

Joshua's College Progress Evening

Earlier this week I had a progress evening over Teams with Joshua's tutor for his Electrical Installation college course. In school Joshua never really showed any interest and parents evening got to be a bit depressing as it was always the same old message about him being lazy, not putting in much effort, messing around etc.etc. So to be honest I really wasn't expecting anything different from college.

I was absolutely blown off my feet with the feedback from his tutor. He actually said he is really, really pleased with Joshua and that he is one of the top students and that he has absolutely no concern over him passing the course (good job I was sitting down). This was music to my ears and so good to hear after all the years of bad school reports. Finally Josh seems to have knuckled down or perhaps just found something that genuinely interests him.

The tutor also likes that Josh has started taking his own tools in and said that this is usually a good sign of a keen student who will progress. In fact he specifically commented on Joshua's wire cutters/strippers he got for his birthday and that they are so good he has thought about taking them himself a few times!

The only minor concerns we have are that the English has been disrupted a bit with substitute teachers and lessons being cancelled which is a worry as he needs to pass this. Also we found out he had bunked off a few of the Life Skills and Study Period sessions so his attendance was only 86% (but hopefully we have caught this early and Joshua now knows the importance of attending all sessions in his timetable).

So amazing news, really good to hear, fingers crossed he keeps it up.

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