Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Trick or Treat 2024

As with last year it was just me and Holly for trick or treating this year. Joshua chose to go rugby training and Brandon manned the door to our house and readied himself to hand out about 200 bags of Haribo's to the hoards!!! I had to split Holly's trick or treat session in to two in order to drive Josh over to Billericay for training as Tina was working. But it was all worth it in the end, me and Holly had a lovely walk around the neighborhood and she certainly got a great haul of goodies. 

We also managed to get our pumpkins and recipes prepared ready for Halloween/Bonoween. Holly did an amazing pumpkin of her favourite character "Stitch". I swear to god that all I did was mark the pumpkin for her and she did all the carving including cutting cardboard ears and sticking them on. The end result is actually incredible. Brandon also joined in with a "INK" to represent Ice Nine Kills who are currently one of his favourite bands. As for me, well my pumpkin had to be a shark of course.

For my Bonoween recipe I made a pumpkin spice loaf which just smelt and tasted incredible. For something I knocked up whilst working from home I think it came out really well and is definitely one of my better recipes with pumpkin as an ingredient.

Wick Palace all decorated for Halloween and ready for the hoards of trick or treaters.

Holly's amazing Stitch pumpkin which she made all on her own.

She was very proud of this one for sure.

Brandon's Ice Nine Kills pumpkin.

And finally my shark effort for 2024. Joshua didn't want to participate this year.

Holly all dressed up and ou trick or treating.

Holly's Trick or Treat haul for 2024.

And finally my pumpkin spice loaf rising nicely and smelling amazing.

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