Thursday, 10 April 2008

I Luv My Dad

I am sure that all the readers of this blog already enjoy this site - otherwise you wouldn't sitting here reading it right now. However to make things a little more interesting I have expanded my knowledge of HTML to add two new features.
Firstly there is the poll - you may have already noticed this on the top left of the page. If you haven't already voted then please do so. Look out for new polls every couple of weeks.

Secondly have you ever wondered just how many hits Joshua gets on this website - wonder no more!!! We now have a hit counter on the website to see exactly how many visitors look at the site (and if all of Dad's efforts are worth while).

Anyway Joshua is developing just as quick, if not quicker than this website. His new tooth is getting bigger (and sharper) by the day. He seems to be eating more and more each day and getting stronger all the time. He can now pretty much sit on his own now but is a bit wobbly and falls over after a while. He cannot actually sit himself up yet, but is desperately trying. His sleeping seems to be marginally better as most nights he only wakes us around 3am once he has had his dream feed at 11. But this may also be down to the fact that I dropped the baby monitor in the washing up bowl and now it seems to be considerably quieter than before (woops!).

Learning to sit upright.

Look no hands.............

Joshua's new cap all ready for holiday.

Dad and Joshie watching the swans and ducks over the park.

1 comment:

Auntie Lisa said...

Love the poll, i think it's a really good idea. Do you think he'll be up and walking by the Olympics??????????????