Tuesday 22 April 2008

A Spring Swing

Has spring finally arrived............after finishing work today the weather was so nice that we took Joshua over the park. Since the little guy enjoys swinging in his door bouncer so much we decided to try him on the swings for the first time. As you can see from the picture below, Joshua's initial reaction was sheer horror and holding on for dear life.

A quick suck on Mum's finger to calm the nerves..............

Right this isn't so bad after all, why was I making all that fuss.........come on Dad, I need another push.

Joshua also seemed to be fascinated watching all the other children playing in the park.

1 comment:

kismet said...

well josh I bet you are exhausted after all this weeks activities, Sounds like the 4 generation outing to the zoo was good fun, all those females fawning over you and all tha animals to see.then the park and ride on the swings soon it will be the slide and see-saw. Hope you are keeping those teeth clean or you will be picking up dentures like me on Tuesday next week. Keep experimenting and learning love nanny and grandad xxx