Thursday, 31 July 2008

Flight Club

Remember the Brad Pitt film called "Fight Club". Well now we have the sequel "Fight Nursery". Yes you guessed it, Joshua had his first little scrap at the Nursery today (having now been there for 3 weeks). Apparently the little ToughGuy tried taking a toy off of another boy and ended up getting bitten for his efforts. So it was time for Dad to sign yet another accident report. Guess we best get his karate gi back on and teach the boy some self defence. One simple way of stopping teeth marks - knock their teeth out (only joking!).

This week Joshua has also had a bit of a hard time with another cold. He has been coughing, sneezing and has had a sore throat. Fingers crossed he is now over the worst and thus after nursery tonight I took him for a nice swim. He had real fun playing with a floating ball in the pool.

Shopping has also started getting easier now. Joshua doesn't seem to mind the trip around Tesco's (probably because he knows Mummy and Daddy always buy him something!). Anyway the reason it is easier is because the little guy now sits happily in the trolley seat and helps fill up the trolley. Check him out below.

Make sure you check into the blog tomorrow for a very special update/announcement.

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