Thursday 17 July 2008

Nursery Update

You will be pleased to hear that Joshua is settling into nursery very well and has now lasted 2 full consecutive days without throwing another "sickie"! They even managed to get him to eat lunch today, apparently he woofed down bangers and mash followed by some melon.

I also had the pleasure of signing the first injury report for the little man!!! You see he has developed a habit of climbing over everything instead of going around it. Anyway he climbed over a wooden lorry at the nursery which is about his waist height. Needless to say he toppled over and hit his head on the mat. The treatment given was a cold compress and cuddles. Now I renewed my first aid at work certificate 2 months ago and cuddles were not a treatment which we was told to administer - but it appears to have worked.

So his first week is over and he managed 3 out of 4 days. Tomorrow he has the day off of nursery to spend some quality time with mummy. We have his little report book to read up on, this tells us everything he ate, when he slept, when his nappies were changed (and the contents!) etc.etc.

So lets see if next week he can last a full 4 days.

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