Sunday 10 August 2008

Little Monkey or Monkey Puzzle

Well the current poll is looking very interesting - so far it appears that 100% of the readers/voters think that Joshua will be having a sister (if it is a girl,I hope she looks good in second hand combats!).

The latest project for me to make the house/garden "baby safe" was to build a little fence and gate around my monkey puzzle tree to prevent the little man from falling off of the decking and hurting himself. Here is a picture of the cute little chap sitting in front of the puzzle tree and fence.

The fence may have stopped Joshua from getting to the puzzle tree. But one thing that you might of noticed about Joshua is that he is now highly mobile. He will crawl very quickly to wherever he wants to go (with his funny crab crawl!) and will climb up anything within reaching distance. So this new fence was an easy target and just the right height to shimmy along.

Joshua has also now learnt how to wave and seems to spend a lot of time waving to just about everything in site at the moment. He has also learnt to give out kisses (if you don't mind a bit of baby slobber).

1 comment:

kismet said...

Hi there he is certainly testing the workman ship on the fence, hope he is better this week. He enjoyed his snog with LG by the looks of it.