Sunday 3 August 2008


Well it was good to see that lots of people tuned in to Joshua's blog on Aug 1st for the big announcement. We had the biggest hit count of 15 people in one day!

Today Joshua was invited to his first ever birthday party thanks to Millie who is 4 this week. She invited the little dude to her party at Partyman and as you can see from these pictures he had a great time.
The little guy was fascinated by his reflection in this mirror. I think he was confused as to who the stretch head character is???

Here is Joshua having some sweet talk with the birthday girl herself.

That's my boy, only 9.5 months old and already looking up girls dresses!!!

Playtime on the big volcano............

Now Joshua knows what it is like to be a goldfish...............

After all that activity it was time for some grub. Who could that little man be sitting at the head of the table????

Its Joshie with a tray full of party food! Anybody would think we never feed him the way he was eating.

At the end of the party its time for some serious lads talk, from left to right, Me, Joshua, Nik and Joaben.

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