Well I think everyone knows that we have now started Brandon on the baby rice. I have to say it is not going as good as when we started Joshua so maybe we will move straight to the pureed pears. Last night I tried a small amount of mild curry sauce on my finger and Brandon seemed to really enjoy licking that off. As for Joshua, his eating is still up and down. Of a weekend though he still enjoys his kippers for breakfast as a special treat and normally polishes off a whole kipper after his bowl of porridge. Plenty of Omega 3 for the little guy. Anyway here is Brandon having his baby rice.

Joshua and Brandon are getting on really well lately and Joshua is extremely affectionate towards his younger brother. He is always smothering him with kisses and cuddles and is starting to be really gentle with him. There have been signs of the two of them playing together and bonding which is really nice to see. The following 3 pictures capture a few moments when the two boys were having some bonding time.........

The next two pictures are just a few old snaps of Joshua from a week or so ago when we took a walk out to Gloucester Park. The little guy walked so far on this day that his legs were so knackered. He didn't want to be carried and didn't want to go in the push chair. So he just sat down on the pavement a few times to rest - very funny to see. He would just shout "sit-down" and then plonk his bum down.

Last week I was in the Czech Republic again and this was the first time I have travelled this year due to Brandon being born. Since Brandon has been around I would say I spend even more time with Joshua and have bonded with him even more since Tina normally takes care of Brandon. Within 1 day of me being away Joshua had picked up on the fact that I was no longer around and caused all kinds of trouble for Tina, to the point where she had to pull him out of nursery because he was missing his Dad so much. Its great that he has made such a strong emotional bond, but bad for Tina should I have to travel much in the future.
Anyway after months and months of building work and weeks and weeks of decorating work the penthouse suite is finally open and occupied. Joshua officially moved in yesterday and slept in his new big boys room for the first time. We are over the moon with how his room turned out and think it is far better than we ever expected. Joshua seems to love it up there and already recognises it as his rooms, he just glides straight past the nursery now.
Joshua does have a toddler bed in his room but is currently still in his cot. We did not want to introduce too much change all at once and wanted to slowly get him used to the idea of a bed. So he has his new Disney Cars bed and his old cot in the room at the moment.
Joshua and Brandon trying out the new toddle bed.
We do not plan on decorating Brandon's new bedroom for some time yet as he will stay in the nursery room closer to our bedroom. We have built a new cot for him so over the next few weeks we plan to start phasing him into the nursery instead of the moses basket in our room. The next blog update will show pictures of Brandon in his new cot.
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