Sunday, 28 June 2009

Lightning Raybans

Joshua now has his own shades ready for the great British summer. Check out the new Lightning McQueen sun glasses. What a dude.

Shades on, phone in hand................
To further add to the cool image Joshua has started wearing his baseball cap back to front. This is not something we have done, he does this himself and often it is the only way he will wear his hat.

Here are some more pictures of Brandon getting some exercise in the door bouncer. There are still no signs of this first tooth despite the constant dribbling. I think it might be coming through the back but can't be sure just yet. He is still eating very well and has now started on carrots as well as his sweet potato and pears. He pretty much will eat what ever you put in front of him and so far the weening process has been a lot easier than with Joshua. With all this eating he is really becoming a right little chunkster and has now doubled his weight from his birth weight.

As you can see Brandon's hair has started to go a lot lighter than when he was first born.
Watch out there's a Joshia about!
A rare family shot of all four of us on the swings. Brandon is in the harness on my lap and Joshua is on Tina's lap.

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