This blog was started to share the life of our first baby who was born on October 18th 2007. As the years have passed our family has grown and the blog now also includes Joshua's little brother Brandon King who was born on January 29th 2009 and his little sister who was born on 28th November 2013.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Day 3
Day 3 of our holiday started with the usual routine of feeding all the wildlife from the patio doors. As you can see this cheeky little squirrel was brave enough to actually step foot inside the villa in order to get some tucker.

After breakfast it was off for a "Baby Dolphin" parent and child swimming session in the pool. Basically they open up the pool an hour early for parents with babies and you can go along and sing some songs and play on some toys before the pool is opened up to all the other holiday makers. We managed to get a few more nice shots of the boys playing with an inflatable dolphin.

Once you come out of the pool you have the option to dry off in one of these "tardis" style vertical body drying units. Very starship enterprise if you ask me........
A rare shot of both boys in the bike trailer. I think Joshua was too tired after his swim to sit on the front of the bike.
After lunch and the boys nap we decided to try out some crazy golf on Treasure Island. I tried patiently to get Joshua to play with us but he was far more interested in just running around the course and either throwing or kicking his golf ball.

Fortunately there are plenty of little distractions around Treasure Island to occupy little minds. Such as this ships steering wheel, the sunken ship and the skeleton man.

Since Joshua was not too interested in the golf then we decided to involve Brandon more. He was quite happy to sit in his buggy and use Joshua's putter as a teether.

After the golf we managed to get a shot of me and the boys in front of the water fountain in the village lake. A little bit dark but still a nice photo with Joshua giving his Daddy a kiss.
At the end of another fun filled day it was time to get some groceries in. At the site shop they have little children's trolley's to push around. Joshua absolutely loved doing this and as you can see from below he is pulling one of his classic "cheeeese" facial expressions. There were many shoppers with sore ankles after his little jaunt around the supermarket!!!!
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