This blog was started to share the life of our first baby who was born on October 18th 2007. As the years have passed our family has grown and the blog now also includes Joshua's little brother Brandon King who was born on January 29th 2009 and his little sister who was born on 28th November 2013.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Nursery Phase In
Poor old Joshua yesterday had a major case of constipation - the worst I have seen with a baby/toddler. Every time he tried to squeeze he just burst out crying and pointed to his bum saying "hurt". Fortunately a few leg shakes, scrunches, a belly rub and a warm bath and we managed to help him clear his bowels!!!!
Whilst we are on the subject of bowel movement I might as well get all the disgusting stuff out of the way in one blog. Last night at dinner was not for the weak stomached. Brandon figured out how to pick his nose and was routing around for his brains, and Joshua had some serious wind and was f@rting like you wouldn't believe (and before you all comment, yes I know, Like father like son!!!).
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Xmas is coming.......
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Crawler Lane
Here is a little brain teaser for you............. Joshua has recently just turned 2 years old and Brandon is rapidly approaching 1. There is just under a year and half between the boys in terms of age (well 15 months to be exact). Yet Joshua is about to have his 3rd Xmas and Brandon has yet to have his 1st - just doesn't seem right does it????? Speaking of Xmas it has just started to dawn on us just how expensive Xmas is going to be from now on having two little ones to buy for (and from).
Brandon has now moved into the crawler lane. He isn't quite darting around here there and everywhere, but he does get up into a crawling position and shuffles around a bit. Also it looks like the little guy now has tooth number 7 coming through (touch wood we have not had so much grief with this tooth as we had with the previous 6). Anyway it has been a while since I posted some video clips on the blog - so here are some of Brandon's first crawling.
So as Brandon moves into a new phase in his mobility, Joshua is also embarking upon another major development - potty training. He is doing extremely well with his use of the toilet and potty and is now building quite a collection of reward stickers. The nursery have also started letting him use the toilet and were very impressed that he flushes and washes his hands without any help or prompting. This week we are changing him over to pull-up nappies in a bit of a drive to try and get him dry through the daytime.
So by Early 2010 we could see some light at the end of the tunnel in terms of 1) No more sterilising once Brandon is one year old, 2) No more formula milk and switch Brandon to full fat milk (the down side of this is that I will have to start buying full fat milk for Brandon and semi-skimmed milk for Joshua), 3) No more rear facing car seats as Brandon transitions to front facing and finally 4) Hopefully no more nappies for Joshua (except for nighttimes). I don't like wishing my life away but the above 4 actions will make life so much easier for us (and cheaper!).
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Josh Dundee
First off was a bearded dragon lizard. Note the slap nut in the background!!!
Friday, 20 November 2009
New Chair
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
OXO Cube
Anyway the main purpose of this blog is to track the progress of our two boys and share some pictures of them growing up. However lets not forget that this journey is also about two new parents who are learning all the time. Its been a while since I wrote any mushy stuff about how parenting is going and feelings towards the boys. So for today's blog update I will focus more on me and Tina than the boys.
Firstly I have to say that I am really pleased that we held off until later in life to become parents. I feel far more prepared for the challenge and the life skills that you develop over the years have been a great benefit in applying to parenthood. For me personally I am not sure I could have been half the Dad I have been to the boys had we of decided to have children 10 years earlier. That's not knocking the later by any means, everyone is different and each to their own. Also I feel that at this stage in my life I can be more of a role model for the children and hopefully inspire them and give them something to aspire to.
We are still learning about being parents every single day and using as many sources as possible, i.e. websites, books, news letters, magazines, other parents, mini mend clubs etc.etc. One thing I have learnt is that you will never know all there is to know about parenting and every child/parent development is different anyway. My tip to new parents would be to simply be open minded, listen to everyone and don't be afraid to try things out. Only last week we took a tip off of Tina's little sister regarding milk feeds and have successfully weaned Joshua off of full fat milk and onto skimmed milk.
The boys are growing so fast and it will not be long before Brandon is classed as a toddle. He already eats pretty much the same as us, he doesn't particularly like sitting there having baby cuddles anymore and loves being on his feet. Despite these changes I think he will always be our little baby (even though I think he is going to be a bigger lad than Joshua!).
There are several aspects to parenting which are absolutely priceless though and no matter how much they boys grow up I will always treasure these moments. To name just but a few;
- watching the boys squirm in pleasure as you massage and tickle their backs or feet
- having them run up to you and ask for a cuddle or kiss completely voluntarily
- having them grab on and hold behind your leg when they are scared and need some security
- having them give you a book and ask to ready them a story
- watching them mimic your own mannerism's and movements
- sitting down at the dinner table to eat as a family
- having them bundle all over you when you are laying or sitting on the floor
- the first time they try a new food or drink
- they way Joshua says "lub you Daddy" when he goes to bed or I leave the house