Saturday 7 November 2009

Bonfire Night

On bonfire night we took the boys to their first firework display. Brandon and Joshua's cousin, Amy, tagged along to be a helping hand with the boys and was chief child minder for Joshua on the fair ground rides. Both boys seemed to really enjoy the fireworks although Joshua did appear to get a bit bored about 2/3rds of the way through and only turned around when a big bang made him jump. I realised just how heavy the little dude is getting after carrying him for about an hour in total then having him on my shoulders for another 20-30 mins during the firework display (what a shoulder workout that was!). The finale to what was a good event was the debacle of an exit from the car park - it took us approximately 30 mins to get out of Gloucester Park, poor Brandon was shattered and just wanted his milk and bed. Anyway here is Amy and Joshua on one of the rides.

Joshua posing on his big Tonka Fire Engine which nanny got him for his birthday.

And here is the big guy posing with his home grown cress from his Mini-mend club.

Little Brandon managing to stand up on his own whilst holding onto something.

And then every now and then he forgets that he needs to hold on and just lets go to see what happens. Look no hands...........

Check out soldier boy with the matching hat!

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