Monday, 30 November 2009

Nursery Phase In

Today Brandon had his first phase in session at nursery. He seemed to behave really well and didn't cry at all, in fact he was so well behaved that I slipped off and got in a quick 10K run whilst we waited for him. The biggest challenge was sneaking past Joshua's room without him seeing us at the window. Anyway Brandon now continues the phase in's a couple of times a week and then starts 2 days per week in January.

Poor old Joshua yesterday had a major case of constipation - the worst I have seen with a baby/toddler. Every time he tried to squeeze he just burst out crying and pointed to his bum saying "hurt". Fortunately a few leg shakes, scrunches, a belly rub and a warm bath and we managed to help him clear his bowels!!!!

Whilst we are on the subject of bowel movement I might as well get all the disgusting stuff out of the way in one blog. Last night at dinner was not for the weak stomached. Brandon figured out how to pick his nose and was routing around for his brains, and Joshua had some serious wind and was f@rting like you wouldn't believe (and before you all comment, yes I know, Like father like son!!!).

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