Monday 28 December 2009

Christmas 2009 Part 2

Boxing day for us was as much a part of Xmas as Christmas day itself. Joshua woke up only to find out that Father Christmas must of thought he was an extra good boy this year and had delivered a 2nd lot of presents. So that the day started with the boys both opening lots and lots more presents......

Brandon getting stuck into his animal zoo set...........

Joshua playing on his new Lightning McQueen phone wearing his new Lightning McQueen sweat shirt.

Joshua has become a bit of a sharp shooter over the last few days as he is repeatedly found dragging a chair out to the hallway so that he can stand there playing duck shoot. He is actually getting pretty good now (even if he has somehow managed to break one of the ducks off). When he is not shooting the ducks he is running around the house chasing me from room to room shooting me.

And here is a real moment to treasure and one every father awaits with baited breath until their son(s) are old enough. For me I thought this moment would be a good year or two away yet. However I can gladly say I have been proven wrong and as you can see me and Joshua are sharing our first ever Father-to-son Scalextric race (and yes, I did lose).

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