Tuesday 22 December 2009

Dry by day, dry by night.

Joshuas potty training goes from strength to strength and all last night and today he has stayed "dry". Even the nursery have now commented that when we take him back after Xmas he will be ready for proper pants and not the pull-up nappies he is currently in. Whilst I am talking of Joshua - for the first time tonight the cheeky bugger took off his pyjamas whilst in bed and through them on the floor!!!! Then went back to sleep with just his nappy on.

Brandon is still doing well. One thing you might have noticed with Brandon is that he does like his muslin squares as a comforter and it is not uncommon to see pictures like this. Funny as Joshua never really had a comforter of any sort.

Brandon's walking gets braver and braver by the day. With his walker he can pretty much get all around downstairs now. He can pull himself up onto his feet and on the odd occasion lets go and tries to walk off (unsuccessfully). But as you can see from below he absolutely loves being on his feet.

Today we wrapped up all the boys presents for Father Christmas to collect and they have been seriously spoilt. The loft conversion was spot on as we will need all the space we can get!

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