Sunday 20 December 2009

Christmas Crafts

Well the first update to report is that Brandon has now been the first of us to receive private health care having the cyst by his right eye examined on Saturday. The result is that he will now probably have an ultrasonic and maybe a CT scan early this week and then an operation to remove it early in the new year. The doctor assures us it is very low risk and only a very minor op, so nothing to worry about.

The little fellow still has a keen interest in the Xmas tree and to date it has now fallen (been pulled) down at least 3 times!!!! As you can see from below he is a very cheeky chappie and knows he is doing wrong!


Also on Friday the boys went to Auntie Lisa's for their annual Christmas crafts day. Between them the made some wonderful little xmas deccies that we will treasure and really enjoyed themselves (even if we are still washing paint out of the hair two baths later!).

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