Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Brandon's 1 Year MOT

Today Brandon had his 1 year old health check and passed with flying colours - A+. The funny thing was that she said his weight is actually low compared with his height / head circumference and that we need to try and increase his food intake!!!!! We tried to explain to her that he eats everything in site and far more than his bigger brother. We couldn't feed him anymore if we tried. His weight is on the 25th percentile curve whilst his height and head dia are on the 50th percentile. She said not to worry and that they usually balance out by the time they are 3'ish and gain all the correct proportions. The ironic thing about this is that Brandon is a right little pudding and us a far "chunkier" boy than Joshua ever was. Me and Tina were actually saying a few weeks ago that in time we might actually have to watch his food intake closely to make sure he does not start getting obese.

On a different subject, for Easter I bought both the boys a new book and Joshua's one was called "My First Easter" and tells the story of Jesus' crucifixion. The reason I am writing about this is a funny comment Joshua made when we got to the page showing Jesus nailed to the cross. This comment is one of those children's classics which will forever bring a smile to my face whenever I look at this book. So what did he say? Well he now recognises those large wind turbines which are scattered around the country as "spin spins". Well in his book the white cross looks like a "spin spin". Because Jesus has a big bushy beard and moustache Joshua thought it was a monkey. So his comment was "oh, monkey on spin spin!!!!". Brings a whole new meaning to the crucifixion.

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