I haven't really spoken much about Joshua's potty training on the blog. However I think it is now pretty safe to say that he is 100% dry. Through the daytime he wears normal pants now and always asks for a wee or poo. Of a nigh time he still sleeps in pull-ups however 99% of the time they are bone dry in the morning and usually the first words out of his mouth when he wakes up is "I need wee wee"! We have even taken Joshua's potty training wallchart down as it is no longer needed.
News on Brandon is that he can now say the words "brother" and also runs around making a "rooaaar" noise trying to scare everyone - similar to what Joshua does.
Anyway yesterday we took the boys over the park on the bikes to feed the ducks and swans. After feeding the birds Joshua found this humongous puddle which wasn't much smaller than the lake. Anyway he had an absolute blast running up and down and kicking the water - so much so that his shoes are still hanging up to dry!

Earlier today whilst Brandon was sleeping I decided to get my bike all cleaned ready for the cycle to work tomorrow. As always Joshua is never far behind and was soon more than willing to help his dad out.

After cleaning the bike I was showing Joshua some role playing using his new JCB digger set. This worked really well and as you can see below we was using a small pile of stones to teach him how each of the vehicles worked.
First we learnt to load the back of the dumper truck and move the rocks off of the road.

Then we learnt to use the bull dozer to push the rocks out of the road to allow the other vehicles to drive through.

Here Joshua is using the digger to pick up stones and load them into the dumper truck.

Joshua took to this role playing really well and understood the function of each vehicles. At the end he would stand back all proud and say "well done everybody".
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