Sunday 4 April 2010

Easter 2010

Sorry for the lack of blog updates but the last week has been busy and on top of that both boys have been a bit sick. Brandon is now back to himself and eating everything in sight, but Joshua is a worry as he has not eaten properly in about 3 days - even turning down his favourite, sausages!

Anyway onto Easter. As with Joshua, Easter was to be Brandon's first experience of egg and soldiers using his new toy story boiled egg set. As you can see he took to the experience very well and soon got the hang of dipping the soldier into the egg.

Big brother was on hand to teach the little guy first hand.

After the egg Brandon tucked into Daddy's left over actimel.

As usual the boys have been spoilt massively by friends and family. As you an see from below they probably have enough chocolate to last until Xmas!!!

Whilst Brandon had his afternoon nap me and Joshua got on with painting and decorating a few hard boiled eggs.

These little babies put Faberge eggs to shame.

On Easter Sunday morning Brandon started the day with a flick through the local papers.

And then shared little snippets of the paper with all the family.

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