Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Joshua has a new nickname – Andrex. Why? Well lets just say that there are times when Joshua acts like a right old man. For example when doing a poo he is not in and out as quick as possible like his Dad. Oh no, it’s a 15-20 min affair and often I have asked him if he would like a book or newspaper to help pass the time and he always declines my offer. So often we just leave him to go about his business and call us back once he has finished.

Well I guess it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened and I am sure that all kids try this at some stage in their life. So in case you haven’t already guessed then Joshua decided to follow the Andrex doggy and find out exactly just how soft, long and strong a whole roll of toilet roll is by sitting there and unrolling a whole tube onto the floor. Of course you have to try not to laugh when they do something like this and explain what they did wrong followed by a brief stint on the “naughty” step, but it is not easy to keep a straight face.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

You got off lightly there! Both of the girlies tried to fit the whole toilet roll in the toilet rather than just unravel it on the floor! Since then we have had a metal coat hanger on hand ( & still do to this day!) xxx