Monday, 24 January 2011

Painting By Fingers

This weekends painting session took messy play to an all new level. Both boys spend more time painting their limbs than the sheets of paper laid out for them.

Joshua managed to achieve a nice rainbow effect on his hand.

Of course Brandon copies everything his big brother does............

And ends up with a gooey mess on his hands.

At least they used their hands to do some painting afterwards, so it wasn't all a waste of time. Of course cleaning the paint off of their hands is another task all together and 2 days later the evidence is still there.

Why did I bother with the aprons and rolling the sleeves up - like it makes much difference. Brandon took painting to an all new level as he found a half eaten chocolate on the table and decided to paint that as well. I turned away for 5 seconds and next thing I know he is trying to eat his painted chocolate!!!

The aftermath of the paint pallet - anyone fancy a guess at the original 5 colours poured into the tray?

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