Friday, 5 August 2011

Do snails swim?

A couple of weekends ago we took the boys to the cinema to watch Disney Cars 2 which was good fun. I think this is only the second time Brandon has been to the cinema. Not sure who enjoyed the film the most out of me and the boys. Here is a picture of the two boys wearing the Lightning McQueen T-shirts and standing in front of one of the cinema posters.

On Monday I decided to take a day off to chill out to recover from the weekends Thunder Run. Given that the weather was so nice we decided to head off to the coast for a picnic. The boys had a great time playing in both the sand and the water – unfortunately for me it wasn’t all that relaxing as I was helping them dig holes, build sand castles, jumping wave’s etc.etc.

Here is Joshua buried knee deep in the sand. 

And here is me and Brandon warming up in tent having got a little chilly playing in the sea.

Yesterday saw a complete change in the UK weather as the gorgeous British summertime escaped us for so much needed rain. This down pour seemed to bring about a flurry of snails over our local park. Boys will be boys and Josh and Brandon decided to start collecting as many snails as possible and collating them on a footpath. For a minute I thought they were then going to run over them in their go kart and scooter, but fortunately they didn’t. Instead however they found a large puddle and decided to perform a little experiment to see if snails could swim!!!! If this is a start of things to come, then god help any insects, bugs and creepy crawlies that cross paths with the two boys - who knows what the next experiment will be?

Anyway here are the boys proudly showing off their snail collection (much to Mum’s disgust). Note brave Brandon with the two biggest snails (one in each hand).

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