Wednesday 17 August 2011

The World Is His Oyster

Little Brandon's passport finally arrived and fortunately in time for his first trip abroad next month. So now the World is his oyster as his global travels begin. Doesn't he look a proud and happy boy showing off his passport?

"Look Daddy, its me!".

The boys are now well aware that we are going on holiday in September and furthermore Joshua understands his birthday is in October when he will be four. Both boys seem to be grasping the basic concepts of time, in particular days and weeks. They understand for example that they might have 1 day at school, then a day off with mummy, then 2 days off with the boys (that's what we call our weekends). Joshua is also starting to understand that Saturday and Sunday is the weekend when we do not work and that Wednesday and Friday are his nursery days etc.

In preparation for holiday and to enjoy whats left of the British summer we recently bought the boys a new paddling pool. This time though it is a solid sided one as I am fed up with the inflatable ones which the cats around here appear to keep puncturing over night. So lets see how long this one lasts!

The one concern I have is the arc trellis in the background! Joshua quite often climbs this and I am just wondering how long before he figures out he can high dive from the trellis into the pool!

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