Saturday 6 August 2011

Surf and Slide

The latest bargain buy was this half price surf and slide garden toy. Perfect for those hot sunny days in the garden. Now all we need in the garden is a slide to propel the boys down the track rather than me having to push them!

The finish line collapses just as Joshua crosses the line.

As you can see the middle of the track is connected to the garden hose keeping the track wet and slippery and the boys nice and cool. Note also that Brandon is wearing pants and not a nappy!

Time for a race, its Daddy and Joshua doing some knee boarding.

We soon figured out that if you stand on the water channel then the squirters go up very high. The boys found this highly amusing running in and out of the water jets (a bit like a garden sprinkler).

Action shot as Brandon slips A over T running through the water.

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