Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Petal Power

Recently I have written a lot about the boys and the “pedal” power. However today it is all about “petal” power. The flowers I got for Tina for valentines day last really well and were still going strong up until about a week ago. Rather than just throw them away or put them in the composter I decided to let the boys make some creative art work. So out came some paper and some PVA glue and the boys had fun sticking their petals onto the paper to make a nice picture.

Joshua getting to grips with the glue.


Carefully positioning the petals.

And the finished masterpiece.

Of course no surprises that Brandon had to pick the yellow flower so that his picture/petals were yellow.

Brandon's turn to get to grips with the glue.

More squeezing - good practise for the ketchup bottle!

Positioning the nice yellow petals.

And here is Brandon's work of art.

1 comment:

Auntie Lisa said...

Beautiful natural form art work boys, we will see your art work in the gallery in no time.
Love Auntie Lisa x