For the last week the boys have woken up every morning almost in tears at the absence of the forecast snow. They have been itching to have snow ball fights, go sledging and make snow angels. However all good things come to those who wait and finally the snow arrived. So we were up bright and early to get Brandon's football club out of the way before heading off to hit the snow.
Its great to have these kind of weather conditions as it means the boys can make use of some of their winter gear which we bought for Lapland. So on went the ski bottoms, ski socks, ski jackets and mittens and off we went. To start with I had a great workout pulling both the boys on their sledges over the park. We had sledge races, sledge donuts and sledge wipe outs (man over board!).
Sledge racing with my boys. |
We even managed to sledge across the bridge, a perfect photo opportunity with a beautiful background. |
Brandon launching a snowball at me. Trust me you don't want to catch one in the face from his right hand! |
The lake over Wick Park was completely frozen so we had a little competition to see who could throw a snowball the furthest. |
There has been one bad thing which has come from Lapland so far (although it could be a good thing if Joshua has got the message). In Lapland we went snowmobiling across frozen lakes but this was in -10 deg C with 4m deep of ice under your feet. Well Joshua saw our frozen lake and his first question was can we go on there!!!!!!!! So we had a quick chat about the differences between Wickford and Lapland and the dangers of ever going on a frozen lake. Hopefully the message has sunk in and he never gets tempted to try his luck out. One thing is for sure and that is that he will NEVER be allowed over the Wick Park when the water is frozen without me being there with him!
Joshua launching a snowball into the lake. |
Little B pulling his sledge back home as we rush back for Joshua to go to yet another party. |
It seems the boys have been cooped up in doors for so long that it was lovely to just be outdoors and all having fun. |
After Joshua's party we decided to clean the front pathway and used the snow to make "Mr Frosty Frosty" the snowman as Joshua called him. I have to say I was rather proud of this creation complete with arms, boots, nose, hat, pipe and a walking stick. Unfortunately we built him on a bit of a slant and gradually he tipped over before our very eyes.

Fortunately I got a good picture of Mr Frosty Frosty before his demise. Shame the walking stick didn't prop him up a bit longer. |
All in all a very fun day had today. Snow is so rare in this country and I am sure my boys will not want to be going out building snowmen with their old man in years to come. So I make no apologies for taking a selfish family day and making the most of conditions and hopefully creating some fond memoeries for the boys to look back on in years to come. All the house hold chores were on hold for a day and we even cancelled our weekend swimming ritual to make some quality family time. Joshua was even a little star helping me to clear the driveway of snow. He worked like a trooper for nearly an hour with a brrom and spade clearing away the snow. I was so proud of his help that I made a point of giving him some pocket money afterwards.
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