Our family is now complete as today Tina gave birth to a beautiful little daughter. Our little Princess was born at 1:50pm on Thursday 28th November 2013 and weighed 7lb 6oz (right in between Joshua and Brandon's weights which were 9lb 4oz and 6lb 4oz, respectively). It all started at 8am today when we checked into the delivery ward at Basildon Hospital. After a bit of confusion with Tina's misplaced notes the induction process was initiated at around 10am using the gel. As with Brandon the effect was almost immediate as Tina's contractions rapidly increased in intensity and frequency resulting in a quick trip to the delivery suite and no need for the additional drip used for inducing some woman. By about 1:15pm Tina had dilated to around 6cm and within no time at all the head was showing.
Tina did absolutely marvellous as she did with Joshua and Brandon and I couldn't be prouder of her. At times I felt like she was breaking bones in my hands and trying to rip my shirt off whilst she guzzled the air and gas and squirmed in absolute agony. Fortunately most of her screams were muted through the gas regulator which barely left her lips until the very final push. The midwives were amazed at how quickly Tina went from 6cm to delivering the baby using only gas and air as pain relief and making minimal fuss. From the time when Tina was induced to the time of the birth, I think she beat her previous record (set with Brandon) by about half an hour. I am not sure I helped her too much as you tend to feel like a bit of a spare part in the delivery room. You try to do your best but also want to just let the experts get on with their job and do their thing. Towards the end of the delivery I had the pleasure of cutting the chord as I did with Brandon as well.
First picture of our beautiful baby daughter as she opens her eyes for the first time to explore the big wide world. |
First cuddle between Father and Daughter. |
Our little girl on the scales weighing in at 3.47Kg. |
She lays on a changing mat as the midwife checks her over and administers the Vitamin K injection. |
When she starts to cry I offer her my finger to grab which seemed to calm her down. |
That delivery was hard work and she starts yawning away ready for a nap. |
But before the nap she needs to have her first Mummy cuddle. |
Within an hour of being born our little girl had done three poo's - one of them in Tina's hand just as she was getting ready for the first feed. As with Joshua and Brandon, Bubba will be breast fed and she took to the breast straight away when presented and immediately began suckling. After a good feed and a clean nappy she was ready for a nap in my arms whilst Tina went up for a refreshing shower. We were then moved down onto Cedar at which point I decided to nip home as quick as possible to pick up Joshua and Brandon so that they could meet their little sister before visiting hours were over. Once I had picked up the boys my first stop was to the newsagent to buy as many newspapers as I could lay my hands on, then it was a rare stop off through a drive thru McDonald's to get the boys and Tina something to eat. Finally me and the boys were heading back to the hospital to see Mummy and Bubba.
The first picture of all 3 of our children as Joshua and Brandon see their little sister for the first time. |
Joshua was keen to take on the big brother role and wanted to touch and hold his little sister. |
No sooner had be and the boys arrived and then Bubba received her first visitors as Auntie Nicky, Uncle Paul and Cousin Zoe all came to see the newest member of KISMET.
Auntie Nicky and Zoe with our little sleeping beauty. |
She wasn't go to wake up for any of her guests and seemed very content in the cot (or bowl as Brandon called it!). |
Cuddles with Auntie Nicky who I think would have walked out with Bubba given half the chance. |
A lovely picture of Joshua and Brandon having their first hold of their little sister. Joshua was very good at supporting the babies head as he held her. Brandon wasn't brave enough to try on his own. |
I think this little girl has a very protective big brother to look out for her in years to come. |
Cousin Zoe gets a hold of our little Bubba. |
Despite all these cuddles, Bubba is quite happy to just stay asleep. |
As Tina's waters broke over 24 hours earlier and the baby had done a poo whilst inside her tummy, the hospital policy is that they keep mother and baby inside for 12 hours for monitoring purposes. So unfortunately I had to leave both my girls inside the hospital tonight and then drive the boys back home and get them in to bed and asleep ready for school tomorrow. All being well tonight I should be able to bring Tina and Bubba home some time tomorrow. I have explained to the boys that we need to show baby all around our house when she gets home and I asked them both if hey are ok to let her see their bedrooms. So they are both excited about showing their sister their room and all of their toys tomorrow.
It was a wonderful surprise to find out that the baby was a girl today. We honestly had no idea of the sex this time around and so it was a complete surprise to both of us. Obviously having two boys it was always going to be nice to have a little girl, but we went into this pregnancy with the intention of growing our family and not to just try for a girl. So we would have been equally happy one way or the other just as long as the baby is healthy. I am pleased for Tina though as I know deep down she has always wanted a daughter and at least now she can offset some of the testosterone in the house and may just get to do some girly things as opposed to boys things and sport!!!
Having hardly slept in 2 days I am sitting hear writing this blog whilst the boys are fast asleep in bed and toasting my little daughter on my own with a nice bottle of wine. It has been a very emotional and tiring few days and I think it is time to head off to bed for what could be my last undisturbed nights sleep for several months. Overall I have very mixed emotions, on one hand I am elated at the birth of our daughter, on the other hand I am really saddened and have shed a tear or two at the thought that my Mum will never get to meet this beautiful little addition to our family. She so loved all of her grandchildren. I remember distinctly when Brandon was born as it was the same day that she was having one her her cancer surgeries. At the time we all hoped for the best that the surgery would cure and that she would still be with us today. However the evil cancer finally got the better of her and has deprived her of meeting her new grand daughter and watching all her grandchildren growing up. So as a final thought for my Mum, "Bubba may never get to meet you in person, but she damned well will get to know about you and what a fighter you were to the very end".
PS The reason I keep referring to the baby as "Bubba" or "daughter" in this blog is because we are not yet 100% sure on the name. The two favourites are "Holly" and "Phoebe", although other high contenders were "Jessica" and "Melissa". Name to be confirmed shortly.
She is gorgeous! It was lovely to meet her today and get cuddles. Glad everyone is ok and it is lovely to see the boys taking to her so well. Like you said, she may never meet Nanny but Nan will definitely be looking down on her and she will know all about what an amazing woman Nanny was! So happy for you all xx
Jason - it was lovely to read your blog today - I often go onto the blog to keep up with the King's - I can remember the day Tina told me she was having your first baby and now you have three - you are both wonderful parents and I wish you many good wishes for your new addition - Having two boys and a girl in the same order as you I know the joy of having three children and how much pleasure T from her little girl - Alex is not only my daughter but my best friend and we do a lot of things together - she is also my greatest critic - so watch out T - hope to see you all soon xx
holly is a wonderfull addition to our family and makes your family very special she is beautifull and both of us wish you all the luck in the world
A huge congratulations to you both on the birth of your little princess Holly. You have 3 wonderful children and I am so proud of my nephews and niece. I could definitely have walked off with Holly when I was cuddling her at the hospital! I know what you mean re mum/nan, she would have so loved to meet her new grand daughter. Mum/nan lives on in our memories and we will all be happy to share those with Holly when she is older xxx
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