Friday 8 November 2013

Karate Kid

Brandon has now been going to karate for about a month and really enjoys it.  As he has stuck with it and has shown a lot of enthusiasm I bought him his first gi tonight. I have to say it really suits him and he looks so cute. Having done karate myself for close to 25 years, it is really nice to see one if my boys also taking to it. Joshua went with me to take Brandon tonight and subsequently watched the lesson, now he has decided it looks fun and wants to start! The question is that given that he already does Beavers, dodge ball, football and swimming - will karate be too much?
Brandon in the dojo ready to start his karate lesson in his new gi.

Brandon still wouldn't take his gi off even when he got home. I think given the choice he would have slept in it!

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Absolutely love these pictures of Brandon! What a happy, Handsome and proud fella he is xxx