No real blog theme today just a bit of a catch up on all 3 kiddies. Firstly Holly is now on the next size up in teats for her milk bottles and is also requiring the larger bottles as she often guzzles back 120-140ml. She is obviously not on any solids yet but we have been letter her suck on a few white chocolate buttons when she sits in her high chair with us at the dinner table. She is absolutely loving the choccie and it is beautiful to see her little lips lapping up the chocolate as it dribbles out of her gummy smile.
Maybe Holly isn't sharing mine and the boys enthusiasm for cars after all, as once again here she is fast sleep at the wheel.
She looks very snug and comfortable. |
Lets hope the air bag doesn't go off now. |
There are some absolutely beautiful little outfits that you can buy baby girls and I think Tina is really enjoying dressing Holly up. She has pretty much out grown her 0-3 months clothes and so we are already now stocking up on 3-6 month clothes. Just check out how gorgeously beautiful Holly looks in this stunning little dress.
Picture perfect, just beautiful. |
Holly is also now starting to reach out and grab things on her own. She has definitely learnt that she can control the hands on the end of her arms and can often be found trying to put her fist in her mouth to suck in it. Tina also caught her reaching up and grabbing one of the toys on her bouncer chair for the first time last week.
Holly reaches up and grabs the hanging lion for the first time. |
Having 3 kids is certainly keeping us very, very busy and I often feel that I do not spend as much time with Holly as I did with the boys when they were her age. When I finish work I have a maximum of 2 hours or so with the kids in which time we have to get homework done, sit down for dinner, maybe run the boys to Beavers, swimming or karate and at the end of it I may have only spent 15 mins or so with Holly. Then when the boys go to bed we try and get Holly to go to sleep in the moses basket. Generally she has settled down in the evenings very well, however some times she has a little cry and sometimes she just lays in the moses basket wide awake. I often feel really guilty when she is wide awake as I think to myself that I should pick her up and spend some quality time with her whilst the boys are in bed. However I have to remind myself that this will be counter productive as in 3 months time or so she will be sleeping in her cot and needs to learn that once she goes down at 7pm it s sleep time. So for now I just need to keep juggling my time as best as I can between all 3 of the kids.
Joshua has had another busy weekend of football with training yesterday and then two matches over at Hannakins Farms today. As the weather has been so bad lately all of the pitches are closed off and therefore we have now resorted to booking out the astro turf at the Sporting Village so that they can still train. Even this wasn't ideal yesterday as the astro turf is so fast and with the wind so strong the balls were simply flying everywhere with just the lightest of taps.
Me and the other coaches have been working hard over winter to get the Under 6's set-up for the mini soccer league next season and have landed some significant sponsors from Kwik Fit, GMB and Serendipity to name just a few. As a result of all of this sponsorship we have managed to buy all the boys a home and away kit, a boot bag and a hoodie each. In addition to this we have bought extra cones, first aid kits, match balls etc. Now all we need to do is figure out our 3 teams to submit to the FA for this September. Anyway today was the first time the boys got to wear their new kits and they all looked amazing.
Team Serendipity in their new kits. L-R Joshua, Jake, Darcy, Lenny, Samual, Owen, Mason and George. |
Joshua and Darcy prepare for a centre kick. |
Joshua off on a run but surrounded by the yellow bibs of the opposition. |
Joshua and Owen leg it back to the other end to defend. |
In the first game Joshua's team drew 2 all but to be honest they should have won. 30 seconds from the end they were 2-1 up and completely lost the plot allowing Hannakins to take an easy goal to bring it all level. In the second game we played their B team and Joshua played in goal in what was a very one sided score of 6-0. In the first half the ball barely came into our half and Joshua didn't touch the ball once. He was almost in tears at half time as he was bored and didn't want to be in goal any longer. However an encouraging talk from the gaffer and he agreed to play in goal for the second half where fortunately he made a couple of dives and had a few goal kicks to make.
Joshua dons the number 1 shirt and takes to a lonely goal keepers spot for the second game. |
Some rare action for Joshua as he kicks the ball out to the wing. |
Then it is business as usual as he gets to stand around and just watch the action. |
Whilst we were at the football today Brandon was out at yet another party in Rayleigh. He seemed to have a fun time and came back exhausted with the usual sweet bag and birthday cake. After football and the party I then took both the boys out on the bikes and for the first time ever Joshua cycled the entire 3 mile loop around the Wick. Brandon started off cycling for about the first 1/2 mile and then opted for the easier option to follow me using the trailgator. Very impressed with Joshua though, next task is to see if he can run the 3 mile loop!!!!
Little B up high on an inflatable at today's birthday party. |
He loves these high bouncy castle slides and hurls himself from the top with complete disregard for his well being!!! |
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