Sunday 6 April 2014

Easter Pool Party

Well the Easter holidays have started with a bang for the boys. Yesterday Joshua was playing a football match over at East Thurrock and had a good result with his team winning 8 : 5. All the kids played well on our team but I think they were a bit trigger happy on the goal hunting leaving the defence wide open for the counter attack. Otherwise I fear the scoreline would have been much more one sided.

Team Sigma : Max, Joshua, Ryan, Alex, Ethan and Alfie.

Joshua clears a ball from defence.

Joshua makes a run and then looks for a pass into one of the strikers.
After football it was time to finally head down to pixie photos to get Holly's first portrait pictures done and some updated family pictures. This was hard work because despite Holly having had a feed and a nap, she did not want to smile or pose for the camera's at all. It must have taken about an hour and 15 to get a nice picture of her, plus some pictures of just the kids together and then the whole family. I think it was worth it in the end as we got some stunning photos which should be available in about 2 weeks time (so watch this space) and a huge bill to go with it!!!!
Today our day started with a good lay in and then a bacon sandwich for all (except Holly). Mid morning we were off to a pool party at Wickford Swimming Pool to celebrate the opening of the newly redecorated site. The pool area and changing rooms are just stunning and such a huge improvement on its previous very aged and dated appearance. The pool party was a great idea. It cost absolutely nothing for the kids to have 45 mins on the bouncy castle floaty, then they all had food, drinks, cakes, balloons and a fee toy afterwards! Roll on September when the gym opens as well as I suspect our monthly David Lloyd membership will come under some scrutiny!!!
Anyway the good news this time is that I actually remembered my swimming kit this time so I also got to play with the boys on the pool party bouncy castle. Such good fun!!! Total Wipeout here we come......
Joshua starts his run down the bouncy castle.

Taking the low path to keep a good centre of gravity.

Brandon trying the more upright approach which subsequently failed as he fell in the pool.

Joshua looking over from one side and Brandon on a mini slide on the other side.

A little boxing speedball in the middle. Great for B practising his karate punches.

Joshua commando crawls underneath to prevent being knocked off.

At the end of the castle there is a final slippery slope to ascend before sliding down the other side and into the pool.

Both boys clambering to get to the top of the slide.

Brandon couldn't wait for the picture and slid down on his belly.

Then Joshua with a more conventional slide technique (of course I tried head first and got told off!).

After swimming I had promised the boys a Subway for lunch so we all headed over Basildon for a spot of lunch. The two boys seems to really like the children's menu with a tuna and sweetcorn roll. We then went home to play with some toys, do some jobs in the garden and then mid afternoon me and the boys nipped over the driving range to hit some balls. I think they are both about ready to try a small pitch and putt now.
Also today Joshua finally got around to painting his Tomahawl airfix plane which he recently bought from Duxford. He;s done a great job. There are still a few details to finish but then he wants me to hang it up in his room.

Joshua concentrates hard on painting his Tomahawk plane.

That's the wings done, now for the fuselage.

Some camouflage grey/blue being painted on the underside.
So its been a good start to Easter. We have plenty booked up for the kids including, Wizz Kids, Wonka, Disney on Ice to name just a few. Now all I need is to get some time off of work!

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

What a day you all had! That pool party looks amazing! Like you said it looks just like Total Wipeout! Well done Joshua with the footie and your model aeroplane xxx