Today was Brandon's 7th birthday and would have normally been a typical Friday at school with after school archery clubs, karate clubs and football clubs. However by pure luck the school had an inset day today meaning Brandon had his birthday off of school. In addition to that I had been travelling in Slovakia and Czech Republic for the last few days and did not return home until late last night. So as it was an inset day, Brandon's birthday and I had been travelling - I also took the day off of work to make the most of his birthday.
So despite a late night for the boys where they stayed up to see me once I had returned from the airport, Brandon still woke up at around 6am with excitement about his special day. Whilst in our bedroom he opened his presents from his older brother and his little sister, they got him a pair of Heeley skate shoes and a set of match box cars (respectively). After getting washed, dressed and having breakfast, Brandon then tucked into the rest of his presents and was a very happy and very spoilt little boy. He had a Razor E100 electric scooter as his main present, Ren's Star Wars light sabre, and soft bow archery set and case, some Skylander Supercharger characters, a Real Madrid IPAD case, a West ham football bag, some Star was pyjamas and then about £40 cash from cards! Then later in the evening when some of the family came to visit he also got a Build-a-bear Chubakka from Auntie Nicky & family, some Star Wars Micro machines from Auntie Lisa and family and some West ham shin pads and shirt from Uncle Michael and Auntie Lea. Despite all of that lot he still has a bowling party tomorrow and probably another dozen or so presents from his friends!!!
Anyway once Brandon had opened his presents we spent the morning letting him play and try out all his new toys and gadgets. He was flying around on the electric scooter, managed to hit a 9 with his archery, but is a little nervous and cautious on his Heeleys. After Holly's lunchtime nap we gave him some options of how he wanted to spend his birthday and he decided he wanted to try the new "360" indoor soft play over at festival leisure, so we spent about 3 hours over there and all the kiddies had an absolutely great time as you can see from the pictures.
All ready the night before Brandon's big day with his silver Razor E100 taking centre stage. |
A happy little boy on his 7th birthday. |
Brandon before steaming into opening his presents (before his sister opened them for him!). |
Brandon opening his new Skylander characters. |
Opening his new West ham rucksack from Auntie Chris and family. Ren's light sabre glowing away on the floor. |
Brandon posing with his new light sabre. |
Forget Robin Hood, now Brandon has his very own soft archery set. |
Brandon posing with his new bow. |
Brandon's new Real Madrid IPAD cover. |
Complete with his name and player number on the back of the shirt. |
Time for Brandon to test out the Razor with his brother to teach him the ropes on his electric scooter (they only had one crash together!). |
Brandon sets off and builds up to a speed of 10mph. |
Brandon practising his soft archery and after a few minor correction he was soon hitting the target and getting ever closer to the bulls eye. |
Joshua and Brandon having an archery tournament. |
Brandon started to get some consistency with his shooting. |
Over at 360 degrees I had the pleasure of being crammed in to a bumper car so that Holly could drive me around the track, She did very well and had such a blast. |
Birthday boy hanging around in the soft play area. |
Brandon spinning his sister around on the 360 degree disc. |
Birthday boy practising ready for Ninja Warrior! |
Holly driving in a play fire engine. |
Holly enjoying the 360 degree merry-go-round. Me and Tina took turns taking her on the ride and the small circumference soon has your stomach churning! |
Holly rides in the princess carriage. |
Holly riding a horse on the merry go round. |
A lovely picture of "H" on the front of the princess carriage. |
The only transport fit enough for my little princess. |
She looks so grown up sitting there with the seat belt on. |
Holly in the tots area where she absolutely loved the slide. |
And more Ninja Warrior practise as Holly shows good balance. |
Joshua and Brandon enjoying a race on the bumper car track. |
Joshua took track position and Brandon just could find that line to get in front of him. |
Holly in the soft play - see-saw. |
Brandon showing good gymnastics as he is just hanging around. |
Action shot of the Birthday boy. I hope he doesn't hurt his man bits and end up spending his birthday in hospital like his older brother did last year! |
Holly playing in the kitchen area and serving up some wooden pizza. |
Birthday boy showing athleticism as he leaps from the green light to the red light. |
Joshua sets off on the climbing wall. As usual he only went about 2/3rds of the way up and then bottled it and abseiled down. |
That's about as high as Joshua would dare go. |
Brandon's homemade 7th birthday cake. |
Singing happy birthday to Brandon as he readies to blow out his candles before Holly does. Or is he going to chop them off with his light sabre? |