Monday 21 March 2016

Easter Termly Reports

Today we got the end of term Easter school reports for both the boys and to say I am a proud Dad is an understatement. Both Joshua and Brandon are both achieving or exceeding the expectations for their age and they are both putting in lots of effort.
Brandon now appears to have surpassed Joshua in the reading and has a reading age of a 9 year 5 month old child!!!! The main focus for Brandon is to try and get him to be louder and more vocal which seems a bit ironic really when he is probably the noisiest person at home.
Joshua has been extremely helpful in class and is putting in excellent levels of effort. The main focus for Joshua is loads and loads of reading and to get his hand writing a bit neater and a little bit more detail in his writing/story work.

Brandon's Easter termly report.

Joshua's Easter termly report.

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