Friday 29 July 2016

Holly's Posh New Single Bed

Holly has done so well since we converted her cot into a cot bed that Tina has been on about getting her a full size bed for her room with some additional storage. Given that she is only 2.5 years old I personally thought it was too early. But a good bargain came up earlier this week with a really nice white single bed with storage and drawers for just £50.
So we decided to go for it as it was local pickup from just around the corner. Of course the real fun was trying to get it upstairs. Having failed dismally on several occasions and taking a few chunks out of the ceiling plus knocking a few picture frames down, I finally conceded and stripped the bed down a little to then get it up the stairs and in to Holly's bedroom.
As the bed it a little higher we have put the side support on to stop Holly from falling out. But so far so good, she loves her big girls bed and had a really good first nights sleep in it last night.
Holly's posh new full size single bed.
Holly loves her bed and wouldn't come out after her daytime nap. She is kind of dwarfed in this picture, but if you look close enough you can see her hiding underneath big bear.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Bas Vegas Inflatable Aqualand

The weekend just gone was a very aquatic weekend for the king family. As the kids all broke up from school on Friday we decided to take a nice walk along Southend Seafront after dinner and pick-up and ice-cream for pudding. The kids all had a little play in the 3 shells lagoon and in the play area. Then after a little walk and a mad 5 minutes in the water jets we went and played a few arcades.
The kids enjoying the end of a school year at 3 shells lagoon.
Ice creams all round for pudding.
Having some playtime in the water jets.
Is Holly taking a wee or is that the water jet?
On Saturday we had our final football training session of the year and the glorious weather from the week previous just continued to beat down. So rather than spend Saturday afternoon wandering around shops, we headed over to Papermill Lock for some canoeing and cake. As usual Tina dropped us off at the Bridge 0.75 miles upriver and me and the 3 kiddies all rowed up to the lock. The water was so calm and crystal clear due to the good weather. Plenty of nature to look at with baby moorhens, swans, dragon flies and so on. For the first time Brandon did a lot of rowing on his own as he wanted to “take a test” on his rowing skills to see if his was competent enough to get his own boat now. Despite only being 7 years old he passed all my criteria with flying colours. So could he now beat Joshua to getting his own canoe as Joshua cannot get one until he stops sucking his thumb.
Me and the kiddies all ready for a canoe down the Chelmer.

And off we go, complete carnage and unsynchronised rowing.

But we still make good progress rowing up the river.

Stopping off to look at some wildlife.

Enjoying some cake and refreshments t the Papermill Lock Cafe.

On Sunday whilst Holly was at her Princess party me and the boys started the day down at Rayleigh Crossfit for a quick WOD. After a spot of lunch to replenish our energy we then headed over to Bas Vegas to test out the new inflatable aqua park which they have set-up on the lake. I have to say it is a little pricey at £15 per person for an hour, thus £45 for the 3 of us. So unfortunately this will become a rare treat as opposed to a regular recreational activity. Hopefully once the novelty of this new facility wears off and the numbers are down there will be some 2 for 1 offers or something to make it more affordable.
We had an absolute blast though and an hour was definitely long enough as we were all pretty knackered afterwards. Both Joshua and Brandon braved jumping off of the highest climbing wall into the water. We also did some ninja warrior style games trying to negotiate some of the inflatables. The pillow jump off of the large tower proved somewhat challenging as it is nearly impossible to climb on to the pillow to then get fired into the air when someone jumps down off of the tower. The water trampoline was good fun and both the boys were doing trick jumps off the side and into the water. So overall very expensive (in my opinion), but good fun and I would definitely recommend it.
Joshua getting a bit sideways and out of shape running across an inflatable beam.

Brandon either slipping over or getting some rest.

Can you spot Brandon's bum climbing through the mini tower?

Brandon having loads of fun in aqualand.

Joshua taking a leap off of the giant tower.

Joshua figured out an easier way to cross the inflatable beam.

Brandon tries running across but takes the plunge.

And Joshua making a rather spectacular fall after just one step!!!

Brandon on the inflatable trampoline section.

Brandon coming down the giant inflatable slide with Joshua waiting at the bottom.

And down he comes.

Action shot of Joshua getting fired in to the air off of the air pillow.

Brandon leaping off of the giant climbing wall. Very brave.

The layout of aqualand is square and plenty to keep you entertained for an hour.

Brandon doing some running slides.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Rosie's Princess Party

Today Holly attend a Princess Party at one of her friends, Rosie. She got all dressed up in her Frozen Princess dress and got her hair all straightened and looked absolutely beautiful. So much so that I had to given Tina strict instructions to keep all the boys away from my little Princess. The party featured some Princess entertainers who played some games with the kids, presented the cake, got some princess photos taken and they had a glitter princess painted on their hands. It looks like Holly had a great time and I sense that she could be having one of these parties in the coming years!
Just how grown up and beautiful does my little girl look. Hands off boys.
Holly getting her picture taken with Aurora Princess.
Holly getting her picture taken with Cinderella.
Craft activities as Holly decorates her Princess crown.
Lovely work Holly with pretty jewels stuck on.
Holly's finished design, amazing work by my girl.
Holly getting her glitter tattoo done by Cinderella.
Holly's finished design.
Playing a game of sleeping beauty. Holly didn't last long and woke up straight after the picture was taken.
Food time, Holly ate enough cucumber on behalf of everyone at the party and finished off the lot.
Yummy more cucumber.
Whilst Holly was partying it up, me and the boys hit Crossfit Rayleigh for a WOD in the morning and then went  over to the new inflatable aqua park over Bas Vegas for some fun in the sun. But I'll save that for another blog update.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Another Year End at School

Where does time fly. It seems like only yesterday we were in Tenerife and thinking about buying new school uniforms ready for Sept '15 and suddenly another year has passed and the boys have finished school for the summer holidays! Unfortunately as work has been a bit mad I was not able to attend their end of year assemblies this year which is the first I have missed, gutted. So I have had to rely on little phone clip videos that Tina made. Also didn't manage to get any year end pictures of Joshua with his friends or teachers, but we did get a few of Brandon so in Years to come he can remember who his Year 2 teachers were.
Brandon with Mrs Lee. What is with that grin Brandon?
Brandon getting end of year cuddles with Mrs Waller.
Brandon with Mrs Cooper. Not quite as cheesy with the grin.
And finally Mrs Campling.
So time to start preparing for our 2016 Summer Holiday and getting more school uniforms in ready for Brandon to start Year 3 and Joshua to start Year 4 in 6 weeks time!!! 

Thursday 21 July 2016

Summer of 1980 Versus Summer of 2016 - Paddling Pool Pictures

Summer arrived in style this week with temperatures hitting over 30 degrees. In an attempt to try and cool the kiddies down we got the inflatable waterslide out at the weekend and then Monday night out came the paddling pool. I managed to find some old photos of me, Michael, Lisa and Nicky playing in our paddling pool as kids. I reckon these pictures are probably somewhere around 1980 which would put me at about the same age as Joshua now. So we tried to recreate some of the picture from old.
Circa 1980, me holding up something in a paddling pool (hopefully thats not a shot) and Michael laying down.
Skip forward to 2016 and its Joshua laying down with Joshua next to him.

Back to 1980'ish and its me and Michael in a rather small looking paddling pool. Love the Y-fronts.
Skip forward to 2016 again and its Joshua and Brandon - no Y-fronts in sight.
Again looks like circa 1980 and its me and my bro's and sister's plus friends enjoying summer in a paddling pool.
Skip forward again to 2016 and its our 3 urchins all enjoying summer time in the paddling pool.

Monday 18 July 2016

Cubs Canoeing

So yesterday I wrote about Brandons Beavers Canoeing, however a few weeks ago Joshua went on his 2016 cubs canoeing event. As the Cubs are that bit bigger and older they get to have a bit more freedom on the water and also to take out single seaters on their own. Joshua loved having his own single seater - if only he could stop sucking his thumb I have promised him his own canoe!!! Towards the end all of the session the kids were allowed to capsize and jump in the water and looking at the photo's it looks like a scene from Pearl Harbour.
Joshua doing very well in a single seater canoe.
Woops, looks like the wind took him into the reeds.
Joshua out on the lake.
Action shot of Joshua having a race with another cub.
Joshua looks on as the carnage begins and the canoes start capsizing.
Joshua was soon to follow and didn't need a second invitation.
Carnage on the water with over turned canoes everywhere.