Another full on weekend and a very busy Sunday. No park run today so we was thinking of the beach or canoeing, however the weather was not quite as good as yesterday so we had a slight change of plan. Instead we went mountain biking over the Hadleigh Olympic Bike Course and then in the afternoon went the the Scout AGM / Activity Day / BBQ. In between the activities we were trying to keep an eye out as Andy Murray won his 2nd Wimbledon final, Lewis Hamilton won the Silverstone GP and France were playing Portugal in the Euro 2016 final. And that's not to mention the mighty UFC 200 which I have to look forward to tonight once the kiddies are in bed.
The first time we went to Hadleigh I only took the boys bikes and was so frustrated as I wanted to join in and couldn't. The second time we took my bike so I had loads of fun, but Holly felt left out and only had the play area. So today we took the boys, my bike and Holly's bike. Obviously Holly is on stabilisers and then I used the balance buddy to help push her around. She absolutely loved it and was going over all the rocks, up and down gravel hills, she even went around the stunt track with me pushing. She was chuckling away and kept on saying "again", "again", "again". In fact a couple of the other mountain bikers on the course commented that she was putting them to shame.
On the skills course there is one particular part of the track which has about a 3ft rock drop which I had seen a few people tackle and really fancied a go myself. The boys were edging me on and after watching a few people to learn the technique I plucked courage to tackle it and fortunately managed it successfully twice - so kudos in front of the watching kiddies (the only negative was I received a minor cut to the shin where the pedal hit me on impact).
Brandon on the skills course practicing some skills.. |
Me helping Holly across a rock trail using the balance buddy. |
It was quiet enough over there for me to take Holly around the stunt track. |
Joshua on one of the drops with Holly watching on and wanting a go herself. |
Joshua whizzes down with a smile on his face. |
Not sure Tina was impressed with me letting Holly come down this little hill. |
But as you can see she lifts her feet off the pedals and has a grin from ear to ear. No fear!!!! |
Nice picture of Joshua out on one of the trails. Believe it or not wearing one of Tina's cycling tops (he is growing too quickly!). |
Brandon enjoying himself on the stunt course. |
Whilst we were cycling around a large heard of cows just trotted across the park! |
Lovely family picture at Hadleigh, from L-R, Holly, Brandon, Me, Joshua and Tina (woops I mean a cows bum). |
Holly giving me a good workout up and down the various sections of the track. |
Brandon out on the trails. Now wearing Joshua's old Muddy Fox cycling top. Looks like Brandon will outgrow this bike very, very soon. |
Holly tackling a little rock path. Not easy with stabilisers. |
Me and the boys managed to cycle all the way out to Hadleigh Castle. |
So here is me trying to pluck up the courage show the kids I have the balls to go over a more severe drop off. |
After lowing the seat and checking the bike wouldn't ground out, over I went. The picture doesn't do this little stunt justice. |
After Hadleigh it was over to the Scout Hall and Tina decided to dress Holly in one of Brandon's old Beaver t-shirts. So all 3 kids in Beaver shirts. |
Brandon and Holly making rice balloon juggling balls. |
Joshua trying to climb a ladder to ring the bell at the top. |
And over he goes!!! After about 20 attempts he did eventually make it. |
At the Scout AGM the kids got to do some archery, wall climbing, Nelson's ladder, playing in sand, playing in tents, backwards cooking, making juggling balls and of lets not forget the BBQ. The sun had also decided to come out and we had a really pleasant afternoon outside enjoying all the activities. I even had a go at Nelson's ladder myself (got to try and keep up with the kiddies!!!).
After the AGM it was home for the football and also time to enjoy some nice homemade mint Areo cheesecake which I had somehow found time to make up before we headed out this morning.
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