Saturday, 9 July 2016

New Sand Pit Table

The boys old sand pit in the garden was looking a bit knackered to say the least with discoloured plastic and broken legs. So about 2 weeks ago we picked up a rather nice garden picnic type bench table which has a removable lid to expose a sand pit underneath. You would have thought the two boys (or at least one them) would have been keen to get their hands dirty and help me build it, but noooo. Instead it was Holly who was beavering away with screws and allen keys helping screw it all together.
I have to say for a cheap table it is pretty sturdy and looks good in the garden. Holly absolutely loves playing in the sand and every time she goes out in the garden she asks to play with this. Often she sits there pretending to make ice creams with the sand, sometimes she plays with the diggers and dumpers, other times she simply makes a good old mess and chucks it everywhere. But she is having fun. So a good buy and well worth the money
Holly getting her hands dirty helping me fix the new sand table.
She absolutely loves helping her Daddy doing jobs around the house.
Nearly finished and look what is on top of the table, yes we were using the instructions.
Holly is first to test out the new sand table.
After some minor modifications to seal some gaps the sand pit is ready to fill with sand and for the kids to play.
Holly and Joshua playing very nicely.

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