Today the boys both had a day off school as it was an inset / teacher training day and therefore I decided to book the day off work. We were hoping to go to a Theme Park but disappointingly a lot of them have already switched to winter hours and were either closed or only partially opened. So we abandoned that idea and as the weather was so amazing for late September we opted for a nice day out kayaking at Papermill Lock.
The other reason for picking canoeing is that as promised Brandon now has his own single seater kayak which he earned for giving up his cloth's, sucking his sheet and passing his little kayak handling test I gave him. We have been promising Joshua his own kayak for probably 2 years if he can give up his thumb sucking, but to date he has failed dismally. So we are hoping that now he has seen Brandon earn his own boat, it might just motivate him to finally kick the habit.
Anyway Brandon's boat was an absolute bargain, but it is really good for the price. Its very strong, very stable in the water, nice and colourful, very easy to inflate and it handles so precisely in the water. Within seconds Brandon had easily mastered the control and could pretty much spin it on the spot. As it is so much smaller and lighter than our 3 man kayak it seems to be a lot quicker and more manoeuvrable.
Brandon was absolutely in his element today and we could hardly get him out of the water long enough to eat lunch. About the only time he sat down was when we got the chocolate cake from the cafe. The boys were enjoying it so much that after playing around at the Lock for a while they both decided that rather than pack up they wanted to row back to Boreham and pack up there instead. So me and the boys headed off whilst Tina and Holly drove the car to Boreham to meet us. En route Joshua won the award for find of the day as he spotted a beautiful turtle about the size of lunch box sitting on some branches at the side of the river.
On the row back to Boreham Brandon did really well, but as we was rowing slightly against the current and a little wind he started to get tired and so we did a mid water swap and let Joshua row the final stretch. We had a really good day out and I am pleased we opted for kayaking as we probably won't get many more (if any) in before winter sets in.
Brandon's new Challenger K1 Kayak all pumped up and ready for its maiden voyage. |
Holly helps carry it down to the waters edge at Boreham. |
Captain B ready to take to the waters. No Champagne bottle to smash over the bow though. |
In he goes in the crystal clear waters of the river Chelmer. |
Brandon instantly had great control of the boat and headed off under the bridge towards Papermill Lock. |
As Brandon had his own boat it meant that Holly could have a seat of her own on the Hudson rather than sitting on my lap. She also got to use Brandon's old ore as he got a new one with the Challenger. |
Stopping off and chilling on the water as we look at the surrounding nature and take in the tranquil sounds. |
Action shot of Brandon rowing. |
Great shot showing just how calm the river was today. Beautiful blue skies and clear water. Lovely. |
Within about 30 mins we got closer to the Lock which was evident b the moored up boats at the side of the river. |
Holly was getting excited to find out where Mummy was. |
Action shot of Brandon pulling in to Papermill Lock. |
This place has got to be one of Essex's little gems. |
Picnic b the side of the river. Joshua had decided to have a swim in the cold river water, hence sitting there in his fleece to try and keep warm. |
With two boats going out, I taught the boys how to rather together just in case we needed too in order to get out of the way of an oncoming boat or if there was an emergency. |
I think it is amazing to be able to give the boys the opportunity and experience to play out on the water in boats. It is amazing to stand at the side and watch them having fun and doing such a great job at such a young age. |
Whilst Brandon nips off to the toilet Joshua sneaks a go at the Challenger. Hopefully this will motivate him to stop sucking his thumb so that he can get his own boat as well. |