Saturday, 17 September 2016

Star of the Week and Smiggle Pencil Cases!

Well what an amazing first couple of weeks Joshua has had at school. His teacher is super complimentary about him and thinks that he is very helpful and a nice boy. In fact he has been awarded the first "Star of the Week" certificate out of all his class for the start of the Year 4 term. So we are super proud of him even if he is still a little THUMB SUCKER!!!!!

Super proud of Joshua starting his Year 4 with Star of the Week.
I have never really been one for fashion or trends but unfortunately pier pressure in schools means that kids are influenced at a very young age. Whilst both of the boys got new pencil cases for the start of the school year, it turns out they weren't the right ones. The latest fad in the school is a pencil case called a "Smiggle" and apparently everyone in their classes has one except them!!! So whilst in Lakeside today we went in to the "Smiggle" shop to see what all the fuss is about. All I can say is I must be getting old as I just don't get it. The pencil cases don't look anything special to me, I can't see and unique selling points apart from the super expensive price tag. £15 for a pencil case - daylight robbery.
Glad the boys are happy with their Smiggles because my wallet certainly wasn't happy with this purchase!

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