Saturday, 25 February 2017

Fantastic Mr Brandon Ready for World Book Day

With World Book day looming the pressure is on to get the two boys a suitable costume and a matching book. We managed to get Brandon sorted today as he saw this really cool costume for Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox. Next job is to find a costume that Joshua wants which is proving to be a bit more difficult.
You wouldn't know it was Brandon looking rather handsome as the Fantastic Mr Fox complete with his bag of chickens!
Uncanny resemblance to the character on the cover of the book. Now to find the book for him to take in to school.

Karate Grading Yellow and Red Belts

Today Joshua and Brandon both had there next karate grading and did very well indeed. Joshua has now earned his red belt and Brandon has got his yellow belt. In total there were 5 kids from their Abacus school at this grading which was good to see. We took a nice picture of all the Abacus crew which we will send in to the school to maybe get on their achievement wall or maybe in the news letter. 
Brandon has got such good technique with his karate and is doing so well, but I am battling to keep hit interest as his best friend goes to a boxing club and he wants to start boxing instead of karate now! Hopefully grading today will inspire him to continue a bit longer.
Joshua receiving his red belt from Sensei Quinn.
Brandon getting his yellow belt from Sensei Quinn.
All the Abacus crew that graded today, Sam Croudass, Dylan Jacobs, Brandon King, Joshua King and Samual Dobson.
A very proud (and very unshaven) Dad with his two boys after passing todays grading.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Forest Glade U8 Tigers 2016/17 Team Photo

A few weeks ago we got Brandon's U8 Tigers football team picture for the 2016/17 season taken. Unfortunately we was one player short as Charlie was too ill and could not make it. So only the 7 players, myself and Coach Dave who helps out with the team. Such a great group of kids who have all improved so much this season.
Under 8 Tigers 2016/17 season : Back row L-R, David, Joshua, Connor, Lewis and Me. Front row L-R Kye, Freddie, Ashton and Brandon.

Half Murph & TDY

For the last 3 weeks I have been having to squeeze in extra Crossfit sessions of a weekend as I have been trying to qualify for the Battle of Britain competition and then the European Masters Throwdown. This weekend I had to do the final round of the the European Masters Throwdown as currently I am sitting in 15th place with the top 25 going through to the final in Hungary. This could be the first finals I have ever qualified for. Anyway whilst we was down the box at the weekend I took both the boys and at the end of the session we did one of the Hero WODS called "Half Murph" with a friend of mine called Jordan.
Basically the Half Murph is an 800m run, 50 pull ups, 100 press-ups, 150 squats and another 800m run. Obviously the full Murph is double this and is when of the benchmark Crossfit WODS. Anyway Joshua and Brandon also joined in with a scaled version of the Half Murph and did a great job. Getting in to the spirit of Crossfit WODS they also ripped off their shirts as they completed this brutal workout!
Me, Jordan, Joshua and Brandon flexing our muscles after a very tough Half Murph which took around 19 mins to complete.
On a previous blog I mentioned about Holly calling her comfort teddy her "TDY" and that I am trying to teach her how to spell it properly, "T-E-D-D-Y". For valentines day this years I bought Tina one of those light movie scene boxes and we are taking it in turns to write something on it everyday. Anyway for Holly's turn yesterday she added "I love my TDY" to the light box.
I love my TDY!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Half Term at Hadleigh Olympic Cycle Park

So far I think the highlight of the kids half term has been Wizz Kids on Monday where they got to go to Brentwood Ski Centre and do some tubing down the artificial ski slopes. Up until today I had not taken any time off for half term but I now have Thur/Fri off so I can have a long weekend with the kids.
Today started with a nice lay in and then Holly had to shoot out with Tina for an hour for her swimming lesson. Then after they returned we decided to head over to the Olympic Cycle Park for a picnic and for the boys to test out their new BMX's on the stunt tracks. As a warm up whilst Tina and Holly were swimming I built a little wooden ramp in the driveway for the boys to be playing on.
Considering just how cold it has been lately, today was just lovely whether wise. Blue skies, sunny and about 11 degrees. You can't ask for much more than that in mid February in England. In fact over at Hadleigh the kids were getting so hot cycling around they ended up stripping off their coats and fleeces.
We had a really good day out and even took a cycle over to King Edward the III's old dwelling, Hadleigh Castle.
Joshua warming up on a homemade ramp.
Joshua testing out his new BMX for the first time at Hadleigh Olympic Park.

Brandon's new birthday BMX looked really good on the track especially with the blue walled tires.

The two boys following each other around one of the tracks.

Holly wasn't left out and I had the pleasure of pushing her around the tracks on Leyla's old bike using the balance buddy to support her.

Brandon getting down and dirty and looking mean with his Monster Jam cycle hat.

Holly wanting to follow her brothers down some of the bigger slopes and to do wheelies and skids!

Brandon attacking the track and looking good.

Nice bike control as Joshua takes on a quite tricky drop off.

That's quite a high drop for Josh, notice his go-pro on his helmet to video his antics on the BMX.

Brandon trying the drop off and nailing it.

At the Hadleigh Park START line as we head out towards Hadleigh Castle.

View looking from the ground up into the castle remains.

Tina wasn't too happy when I lifted Holly up in to one of the window bays!

Joshua looking up a medieval poop shoot!

Then Brandon's turn, whats that smell????

The 3 kiddies chilling at the castle.

Brandon, Holly and Joshua really enjoyed their day out cycling.

Time for a rest and to re-fuel on a pot of grapes.

Holly exploring the castle grounds.

Love this picture of Joshua and Brandon (shame it is ruined by the monkey climbing in the background!).

Tina and the kiddies at Hadleigh Castle.

On the way back Joshua broke off on to the main mountain bike track to have a go on the tunnel loop section.

Lolly Stick Weaving

Last weekend when we was in town Joshua was asking if he could buy some wool and some lolly sticks as he wanted to do some lolly stick weaving crafts which they have been learning at school. I had forgotten all about these things but now that I know what he was on about I remember doing these when I was a kid, only we used pencils rather than lolly sticks. Anyway it is always good to see the kiddies doing some craft activities so I have been encouraging them and even helping out and showing them how us old timers did it with pencils.
Joshua showing me his lolly stick weaving that he has learnt at school.

Looking good as he wraps the wool around the sticks.

Brandon having a turn with the multicoloured wool that he chose.

It is always good to see the kids doing craft activities at home instead of being in IPADS, computers or PlayStations.

Some of the finished products which seem to be spreading just about everywhere in the house.

And just in case you forgot how to make these, here is the ABC guide. Literally....

Essex Cousins

It is not often that Joshua, Brandon and Holly get together with their cousins so its always good to see a picture of them all when they do see each other. Also a nice picture of their Nanny and Grandad with all the grand kids together. 
Joshua, Brandon and Holly with their cousins Maisey, Oscar and Mia.
Nanny and Grandad with all the grand children.

First Bank Accounts

Joshua has been nagging us for months and months to have his own bank account and so this week we finally gave in and all three kiddies have opened up a Nationwide account. Joshua and Brandon are both interested in getting some savings going and hopefully this will inspire them to do more jobs around the house to earn pocket money. Josh reckons he is saving for a quad bike - not sure Tina is aligned with that! What was funny was driving home from swimming earlier in the week and Joshua asked me, "Dad, if we get our own bank account does that mean we have to start paying bills!". Love the way their little minds work.
Holly with her first ever bank account book.
Then Brandon.....
And last but not least, Joshua all ready to start paying bills!

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Holly's First Park Run

 Last Sunday Brandon had a late kick-off with his football so we decided to head over to Chelmsford as he wanted to do the park run. Both Joshua and Brandon have recently been selected for the school cross country team so the extra training is very welcome. Whilst Brandon was standing on the start line, Holly kept saying she wanted to have a run. Unfortunately you have to be over 4 years old to officially participate.
So after the race set-off I took her to the back of the pack and held her hand as we ran behind everyone and just did a small look which was maybe 1/6th of the course or so. She absolutely loved running with her Daddy and her little legs didn't stop the whole way around. So it looks like I will be slowly increasing the distance with her each time we go and then by the time she turns 4 later this year she will be more than ready for her 2k park run.
Cold and wet but Holly has watched so many park runs and now wants to do her own runs.
Hand in hand me and Holly complete her first park run.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Eevee the Russian Dwarf Hamster

Today the King household grew by one as Brandon added to our pet collection. He spent his birthday money on a little Russian Dwarf Hamster which he has called Eevee (after a Pokemon character). Its absolutely tiny compared with Joshua's monstrous Syrian Hamster. Lets see if Brandon can look after his pet better than Joshua or whether this will be another animal that I need to start looking after daily. The other question is whether we can tame this one for handling as we have successfully done with Joshua's hamster.

Brandon with his new pet Eevee.

She is a light brown colour with a stripe down her back and bright red eyes.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Brandons Pen Licence and Free Reader

Another great week for Brandon at school this week. Having just turned 8 years old he has been moved up to what is called a “free reader” which is the highest level above the stages (which I think go up to stage 17). Also the school give out pen licences to allow pupils to start using pens instead of pencils once their hand writing is neat enough. Sure enough Brandon has also been awarded his pen licence as well.
Mighty proud of our Brandon earning his pen licence at school this week.