Saturday, 11 February 2017

Holly's First Park Run

 Last Sunday Brandon had a late kick-off with his football so we decided to head over to Chelmsford as he wanted to do the park run. Both Joshua and Brandon have recently been selected for the school cross country team so the extra training is very welcome. Whilst Brandon was standing on the start line, Holly kept saying she wanted to have a run. Unfortunately you have to be over 4 years old to officially participate.
So after the race set-off I took her to the back of the pack and held her hand as we ran behind everyone and just did a small look which was maybe 1/6th of the course or so. She absolutely loved running with her Daddy and her little legs didn't stop the whole way around. So it looks like I will be slowly increasing the distance with her each time we go and then by the time she turns 4 later this year she will be more than ready for her 2k park run.
Cold and wet but Holly has watched so many park runs and now wants to do her own runs.
Hand in hand me and Holly complete her first park run.

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